Sunday 14 June 2015

10 Lessons I learnt from a Cheating Partner which made me to Grow High & Big!

Hello, Everyone! It has been a long time that I wrote an article. Yes, it’s almost 20Months and Guess What? I’m back with a Bang. This time it is not any article, but I am sharing my real life Experience that happened last year in both personal and Professional life.
Yes ! what you read in the title is absolutely true. I got cheated by a person both personally and Professionally  last year and that made me grow much better than what I was before.  What all had happened, happened for my good. How? Before getting into that, I would like to introduce myself.

Who Am I?

I am Vinay Goud, A blogger &  an Entrepreneur. I am from a lower middle-class family where my father is a daily wage lorry driver. I can say that Because of his Hard work and his sacrifice now I am here. From childhood, I used to study well so that it can fetch me a good job in BIG MNC with a good annual package. How I managed to change my family financial status completely just at the age of 20?

How Did I come to blogging?

It all started in my 2nd year of engineering! As we get a lot of free time ;), A guy from CIPL ( an MLM system) explained me about what blogging is and how it works. Later, with the help of one of my seniors and Ramesh Krishna I started my journey blogging. Later I started All Tech Tricks in the month of February 2013.
That’s a small information about me! So now I am getting into the main theme of this article, How I got Cheated & learnt Breathtaking lessons from it and then raised  more than 250k$ in 6 months
Here we go..!!
I started it with this blog All Tech Tricks which was doing well. I used to work with a person, he is my senior ( I DONT WANT  TO TAKE HIS NAME &  DRAG THIS ISSUE, I am just sharing my experience so that others  will be careful with similar kind of persons). He said that the both of us will start a company.  So with lots of trust on him I never asked for the money I earned on the projects which we worked. The only thing I had that time is TRUST! I thought that the money which I have earned can be useful for the formation of Company & development of the company, so this was one of the main reason I never asked for money. In the Month of march, we registered a company, with me and that guy as founders ( 3 more friends as nominal founders). Seems everything to be fine till now but not actually. His Greediness has already started ! which I came to know in the end.

1. Don’t Believe a person  Who Says YOU WILL GET THE BEST!

This is the thing you need to remember, Never ever believe a person who Says you will get the Best! It is all  shit. They themselves do not know how to move forward & this kind of people just want to grab the knowledge from you, want to develop the company, earn money from it and they will leave you with shit at end of day! They will trap you by giving fake offers which you can’t refuse. Don’t fall for those traps.
godfather gif

2. Make Written Things Clearly, Ask for the Legal rights and Share.

Don’t trust anyone! When you are starting a company with some other  person make sure you know all the things according to LAW. When I started a company with that person I don’t know anything, I just signed on the papers where ever he asked me to :(. As one of the founders of company I need to get few documents  but I did not get any such papers !! Later I came to know  everything was planned with an intention to cheat me !!
Ask for Your Legal Rights
My Personal Experience: When I was working with a person he said me you will get 35% and remaining 65 % to him. I said it’s Ok because I am a kind of person who gives importance to relationships but not to Money! But that guy has always the intention of cheating me, he made my share as only 10% in documents which even I never knew till the end. He in words said me its 35% but written was only 10% :/. I was shattered and could not come out of the shock for several days. After working for 3 months and the kind of friendship I had, the kind of respect I had for him, Keeping aside the professional relationship, I always considered him as my own brother, and when someone so close to your heart, treats you like this, you badly get hurt and so was I. I anyway accepted to everything and came out of the issue on a positive note. Even today, I respect him. I appreciate his “business mind” and I truly wish I had one.

3. Keep The Family Away from your Business!

Yes, this is the most important thing you need to remember, do not try to involve with anyone’s personal and family issues. According to me this is the worse thing happened! Your partner parents & family don’t know what you do and they just claim themselves as they are the most intelligent & without them we don’t even survive.
Anyway, if your Partner is Good then you don’t need to face such issue’s but when your co-founder is also of same attitude then no one can do anything:3. So my sincere suggestion is to keep your family or your partner family away from your business.
Of course, that kind of people always throws stones at you! Just make sure you throw back at them and say right on their face what you are and How much efficient you are !!

4. Don’t Allow TALKERS AND LICKERS to Join the Team

These people are the one who are going to create the mess in the end. They don’t have knowledge on what you do & they just feel that they are most important & know everything, but not actually:3
If your Partner is a Kind of person who falls for false stories, then I would suggest you to end the business with him right now.
good bad ugly gif

5. Be Careful with a person who Pretends that he knows everything

If you feel that a person knows everything just believe only when he proves not when he says! In simple just don’t believe everything you saw or listen, try to find that the person is really genuine or Not & then decide to work together or NOT!
you know nothing

6. Avoid a Person Who believes Only GIRLS!

This seems to be funny, but it’s TRUE. Make sure your partner is having confidence towards You and don’t have much Lust on Girls. I saw many people they are much positive towards girls  & I don’t know what’s the reason they just believe what they say.
wolf of wallstreet gif

7. Its Good to End the business with A Greedy Person

Greediness makes a person to do anything, if that greediness is towards Money & authority on Company then it’s good to end all your business activities with that person right today.
eating money

8. Don’t Feel Everything is Yours! Unless you Know What are your Rights!

Its Good to make things clear form day one you start. Ask for rights and have Mutual Understanding. If  you feel  that everything is yours! then you will be No where at the END.

9. Don’t Give your HARDWORK to some one else

This happened with me ! So I say never ever give your work credit’s to other’s. Specially if  you are one of the founders of company,  then take your credits or else it will be the biggest mistake you made.
if u are good at something gif

10. Pay On Time and Pay According to Work.

If a person works for you, He expects three things.
1. Appreciation
2. Pay on Time
3. Truthfulness
counting money
Please keep it in mind that you never ever ditch a person. If you do not have intentions to pay a person for the work he/she does, tell them before they start working. Never give false promises. You do not have any idea how you are wasting one’s valuable time.
That are few lessons I learnt from a Cheating Partner. I Would like to share More things, Facts & incidents happened with me so that others will be aware of them and wont fall for false promises and words. Anyway that’s My experience.
By the way  I would like to add few more things, Its not only me who got cheated. There are 3 more founders who also got cheated along with me :/. The sad thing is that they are not official partners, they just worked for the company on the word called TRUST! but the end even they shattered all their dreams.
Just remember one thing in life if you ever got down by a person it means they can’t win Over you! So there is no Word called he is your competitor :) Just Move on Show what You are & what you can do !
If you succeed in cheating someone, don’t think that the person is a fool…Realize that the person trusted you much, more than you deserved…
My Advice for Everyone: Just Try to give importance to the relationship’s, develop trust and be a person like no one hates you and never ever be like greedy Person towards money!!
You can Earn Money even if you don’t have, but you don’t get the trust once if it’s lost. So think wise and act wisely :)

Vinay Goud

PS: I wrote this article just to share my experiences, hard work and how anyone can grow bigger in life. I do not intend to hurt anyone. I just shared the facts which do happen in the blogging world and how to beware and be careful. I thank each and every person who broke my trust. Guys! because of you all, I’m THIS today. Thank you very much. :)

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